Sewing is eco-friendly! Discover how your hobby helps the planet
Fast fashion: The anti-eco trend
Stores with shelves overflowing with new items restocked every week, clothing for every occasion, and always in line with current trends. Cheap t-shirts, sweatshirts, and pants. Sales offering 30%, 50%, even 80% off. Sounds tempting, right? But before you reach for another pair of discounted pants, consider the true cost of their production.
The fast fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters on our planet and a haven for exploitation, accounting for 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions and a staggering 20% of water consumption (according to Arizona State University research). You can be sure that for a dress costing 10 euros, none of the people involved in its creation were fairly compensated. According to the Fashion Revolution Foundation, over 98% of industry workers earn below the poverty line. The production of materials is extremely harmful to the environment, resulting in the pollution of rivers and groundwater.
The harm to both humans and the environment is ingrained in the DNA of fast fashion. However, the scale of this issue has grown to massive proportions (with a fivefold increase in global clothing production over the last 20 years) due to rampant overproduction.
Overproduction and consumerism: The true face of fast fashion
Low prices and endless choices lead consumers to treat clothing as disposable products. It is estimated (according to the Redress Foundation report) that out of 100 billion pieces of clothing produced every year, only 4% is recycled. I couldn't find any other material with a lower recycling rate...
Up to 30% of products are never sold, ending up directly in landfills. The issue of overproduction affects not only small, boutique manufacturers but also well-known luxury brands. A common practice is to destroy entire warehouses of clothing from discontinued collections to avoid markdowns that could damage the brand's image.
Sewing is eco-friendly!
Sewing is a wonderful hobby that you can be proud of. It's rare that something we do for pleasure has such a positive impact on the world around us. Creating your own clothing not only allows you to wear unique, personalized pieces that have value and last for years, but it also helps our planet!
Our choices matter. When you sew yourself, you consume only the resources you actually need. You create clothing that matters and won't be thrown away just because a newer collection appears in stores. But did you know that you can take it a step further?
Sewing with on-demand fabrics is the ultimate form of sustainable fashion
Fashion on demand is a trend that offers hope for change. Production aligned with actual demand. Thanks to the latest technology, this is possible, and the process takes only slightly longer than purchasing materials from a warehouse shelf!
In our store, we have been developing our on-demand materials offer for years, tailored to your real needs. Since 2019, we have been providing you with a constantly updated range of printed materials that we produce on the day of your order! Everything is made in Poland, using the latest eco-friendly technology that doesn't use a single drop of water. Without losing any quality or access to the latest trends, we have built the largest catalog of patterned materials available on hand. The current year is another huge step for us towards making our store's offer more eco-friendly. We have convinced renowned Polish fabric manufacturers to join our concept, allowing us to offer you a full catalog of smooth (non-printed) materials that are prepared according to your current needs. No excessive, large-scale production. Only what you truly need.
By sewing with our standard materials, you can be sure that they have been produced in accordance with strict European standards, in quantities matching actual demand, respecting the environment and people. We may not have a huge influence on the global textile market, but we are changing what we can for the better! By sewing with our materials, you are making the right choice, and we thank you for it.
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